Sunday, February 16, 2014

lol fashion ; when you dress up like an animal ppl go like WTf

cool fashion fact: stylish life makes a sylish inside

fashion step : here comes the fashion here comes you

lol fashion: lady gaga

fashion step : be your self be your style (step 3)

did you know : the woed fashion didnt exist till the early 80s

fashion step : lisen to your style not others (step 2)

fashion step : love is the 1st step to fashion

scary fashion fact : lady gagas robot costum was scary to little children and teens that came to see her cacert

scary fashion fact : nail solon products Some disinfecting solutions are not completely effective

funny fashion fact: Over a lifetime, an American woman will spend $125,000 on clothes. 3,000 items 271 pairs of shoes, 185 dresses, and 145 bags.

funny fashion fact: It was not acceptable for women to wear shorts in public until World War 2 lol noo !

funny fashion fact : lady gagas meat dress was actully so meaty that the dogs outside the show wanted to get in lol :)

cool fashion fact :dont look better then the brid



fashion fact dont just change ur style to make ppl like you change the way you speak to them


fashion fact : wear what you like not what ppl think you should wear

what you look like

what they think you should

cool fashion fact : dont worry what you wear the thing that counts is what you feel inside

cool fashion fact : dress up like this and you will have boy going after you or girls

cool fashion fact: boys like when you dress up nicely but not to sexy

is this fashion ?:wel basically this is fashion and not because its what you do to make you look better but not a pieace of clothing

cool fashion fact : ehen you go to a shop dont just look at the clothing look at the where its from whats its made out of so when you buy it 1st time u put it on it dont fall apart like primark stuff that are cheep !

cool fashion fact : arturo vitali is a good cloths sponsor but is this good ?

cool fashion fact : this is good for a date with a boy (black top any kind put it in the skirt and pull the skirt up to ur ribs not too high